Hospice at Home – David and Debbie’s story

David’s wife Debbie, was cared for by our Hospice at Home team, providing comfort and support in the familiarity of their home. On the day of their 33rd wedding anniversary, Debbie and David were told she had two incurable tumours on her brain. Debbie was given a prognosis of only weeks.

Navigating Debbie's illness

The news came as a shock to the couple, who had been looking forward to spending time together in retirement, with hopes of grandchildren from their two daughters. Though she expressed her fears to David, Debbie was calm and accepting when they discovered that the cancer was untreatable. The couple decided to make the most of the time they had. Friends and family would visit, and they were told to bring four things; smiles, laughter, love and yourself.

Dorothy House’s Nurse Specialist, Louise McCusker, supported Debbie through her illness at home. Previously fearful of death, David was surprised and pleased by the Dorothy House care options that were offered: “Dorothy House were extremely good at listening. When we talked about what we were worrying about there were always responses of support. They weren’t ‘this is what you need to do’, it was ‘these are the things we can help you with’.

Hospice at Home

David shares: “When Debbie found herself in a moment of fear, Louise knelt beside her and talked about life, not death.” Louise would call to speak to Debbie, and would make regular visits to their home. “I didn’t realise that Louise was coaching us, preparing all the way so that things weren’t a shock and we were able to cope. The family formed a strong bond with her. “We could not have come through this without Louise."

Physiotherapy and additional support

As Debbie became more unwell over the weeks of her illness, additional support was offered by Dorothy House. Catherine provided physiotherapy sessions, showing David techniques they could practice which would help Debbie to feel more comfortable. But it wasn’t just Debbie who required support.

For four months David sat by Debbie’s bed, and Louise became concerned he was exhausting himself. In the last week of Debbie’s life, Dorothy House Hospice at Home carers sat with Debbie through the night, providing support and companionship, allowing David to rest.

In the end, Debbie’s death was peaceful, surrounded at home by David and their children. David shares: “Debbie’s death was actually really rather lovely... it has taken away my fear of death.”

Family counselling

Following Debbie's death, Dorothy House supported David and his family with counselling. David shares: “It’s an incredible organisation ... they’re amazing people, all of them.”

Debbie and her daughter smiling together in the garden