Creative Arts
Creative arts in a palliative care setting is a powerful and effective way of addressing the practical, psychological, social and spiritual issues a patient and their family may face throughout their journey of illness.
For patients, families, friends and carers
Creative arts support patients and families, carers and bereaved within the Hospice based at Winsley. This service is accessible to everyone – you don’t need to think of yourself as artistic to join in. We offer the following services:
Creative Keepsakes for patients and families.
Peer Support Art group for patients
Peer Support Art group for Carers and Bereaved;
Hand cast with a loved one and/or family (there is a charge of £45 for this service)
Pottery, painting, silk painting, encaustic art, needle felting and mosaic are some of the creative activities on offer.
Creative arts as a tool for navigating emotions
The Creative Arts Team gives patients and their families the chance to explore a variety of creative arts and use various techniques to give them a focus and diversion at a difficult and emotional time.
Some people can find it difficult to talk about their feelings or share them with others, so creative arts can be a helpful and rewarding way of expressing them.
For more information on creative arts or to refer yourself to the service, please contact our Clinical Coordination Centre by calling 0345 0130 555.
Podcast - Creative Therapies at Dorothy House
Psychological Support Lead Anne Montague talks to Creative Therapies Co-ordinator Ros Gardiner about the power of Creative Therapies for patients and families. Ros tells us about the types of creative therapy we offer at Dorothy House and how we’ve adapted these services throughout the pandemic, as well as sharing some very moving stories.
Mike's story
One of the most popular Day Services is Creative Therapies. In a palliative care setting, art is a powerful and effective way to address the issues that patients and families can face on their journey – these issues can be psychological, social, practical or spiritual.
In a session led by our Creative Arts Team, patients and families can make use of various techniques such as painting and ceramics to create beautiful pieces of artwork they can treasure. Whether it’s finding satisfaction in the creative process or admiring the end product, these sessions provide patients with a focus and diversion during a difficult time. Our creative arts service is accessible to everyone, and you don’t have to think of yourself as artistic to join in!