Adapted Qigong/TaiChi exercises in Palliative Care

Adapted Qigong/TaiChi exercises and practices for use with palliative and end of life patients or anyone managing a long term condition.

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There is a growing interest in the use of Qigong and Tai Chi to support wellbeing and symptom management in Heath Care, with research showing some benefits in preventing falls, improving respiratory function, managing pain, fatigue and anxiety.

Qigong/Tai Chi has been shown to be safe and appropriate in a wide range of settings and conditions.

Course delivery

This session will be delivered by Louise Brown and Rowland Judge.

As one of our practice educators, Louise works within the therapies team as a senior physiotherapist. She is passionate and knowledgeable not only about supporting patients in their own home, but also about alternative therapies, touch techniques and effective communication skills, having been trained in all of these. Her goal is for everyone to receive holistic care.


Who should attend?

Individuals working with patients/clients providing symptom management support/exercise either 1:1 or in small groups.

Course details

This course aims to give practitioners the knowledge, skill and confidence to use a set of Qigong/Tai Chi exercises with their patient/clients.

It aims to give a basic understanding of what Qigong is, why it is practised and its place in health care.

The course will focus on one set of movements and include practical sessions on adapting for use in various settings – such as sitting or lying.

Participants will be expected to take part in the practical sessions, including leading the group to demonstrate teaching skills.

Course content

By using a mix of teaching methods the course aims:

  • To understand the theories and principles around the practice of Qigong/tai chi and how this can work in Palliative and End of Life Care
  • To understand the potential benefits of Qigong/Tai Chi in Palliative and End of Life care and when it is safe and appropriate to use.
  • To learn and practice a set of movements, to be able to adapt these for different patient/client individuals/groups
  • To practice presenting/teaching skills with a small group