Santa and Elf Run 2022 – A festive success

  • 6 December, 2022
  • News

Dorothy House’s 2022 Santa and Elf Run took place on Sunday 4th December starting at Winsley Cricket Club. Over 150 Santas and Elves took part and have helped to raise over £13,000 for Dorothy House in the process.

The event started with everyone donning either a Santa suit or an Elf hat before joining Team GB Triathlete Rachel Bown for a quick warm up to get everyone moving. Then, under a flurry of snow, participants set off through the start line before they took on the 2.5km route, either once or twice.

The route headed off into Winsley, before turning into the grounds of Dorothy House, snaking past the 15ft Christmas tree. They then headed out and down the hill into Murhill before looping back up the hill to the finish. Volunteer marshals were on hand to guide them round, and they really added to the fun and enjoyment of the event.

Santa and Elf run 2022

The Santas and Elves were welcomed back by the team of volunteers from Winsley Cricket Club, who provided warm soup and rolls to all the participants, as well as offering tea, coffee, cake, burgers and a bar for those taking part and their supporters. We want to say a huge thank you to the team at the Club, without whom the day would not have been such a success.

Our top fundraiser was a lovely gentleman called Kevin and his family, who all turned out to support him as he took on the route. He is currently being cared for by Dorothy House and was determined to show his support by joining the event. He has so far raised well over £6,000! Colleagues from Kevin’s company ABInBev also joined in on the day, with some travelling from Wales to take part, as well as providing raffle prizes, so another huge thank you to them!

Kevin Santa and Elf run 2022

Fun was had by all, and the snow machine was a great hit with young and old; making for a great backdrop to those finishing the event!  Thank you to everyone who took part for helping to raise vital funds for Dorothy House Hospice. It costs £5,500 to staff our Inpatient Unit for 24 hours, so the event has managed to fund over 48 hours of care; a huge success!

If you missed this event, it’s not too late to donate – Every penny in our Christmas Appeal can support our palliative care at home or in hospice.
DONATE here.


Don’t miss our festive photos below –

Festive dogs

Santa and Efl run 2022

Santa and Elf run 2022

Santa and Elf Run 2022