Light up a Life 2023 raises over £62,500!
I have been humbled once again by the incredible support we have received over this year’s Dorothy House Light up a Life appeal and services. I am so pleased to let you know that Light up a Life 2023 has raised over £62,500.
A huge thank you!
I wanted to take a final opportunity to say thank you to you all. I hope this comes as welcome news, that together so many of us take great value in ensuring that we continue to support our community with hospice care. This incredible amount raised will go towards doing just that. It will help to deliver more care on our inpatient unit, directly into our local community, in our neighbourhoods, on our streets.
The difference it makes
The amount raised by the Light up a Life appeal and services is enough to fund our entire highly experienced Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS) for over 9 months! A team that provides counselling, social work, play and arts-based therapy to bereaved children, young people and families. Helping children and young people express their grief, navigate their way through their difficulties and adjust to life without their parent, giving children a brighter, happier future.
It is absolutely the case that together we are able to create real change. We are able to continue to offer support to patients and families that need it now. Thank you to you all for helping us reach more patients and families with your kindness and support.
We are always here
I hope this holiday season has been a peaceful time for you. Once again, I would like to offer you the comfort in knowing that we extend our love and care to you. If you need us, we are here for you.
Dave Smith
Spiritual Support Lead
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