Dorothy House Men’s Walk to Support 2025 – Kerry’s Heroes

  • 4 March, 2025
  • News

On Saturday 8 March, we will be setting off on our award winning Men’s Walk to Support 2025!

The event is an eight mile walk for men aged 8+ to join together in solidarity, remember loved ones and raise vital funds for end of life care in our local community.

Not only that, it’s also an opportunity for men to talk and share their experiences of grief and bereavement with one another, to open channels of communication, and foster supportive relationships among fathers, sons, brothers, friends and newly made friends.

Kerry’s Heroes – why join the Dorothy House Men’s Walk

We spoke to Andy about his experience of participating in the Dorothy House Men’s Walk and why he chooses to join us every year for this important event.

“I wanted to take part to show my appreciation for the support given to myself and my family during the illness and subsequent death of my wife, Kerry, in 2014. I chose the team’s name in her honour, taking inspiration from the title of the classic 1970 film, Kelly’s Heroes.

Men's Walk to Support Dorothy House - Kerry's Heroes

We were referred to Dorothy House by Great Western Hospital, where she received two courses of chemotherapy. Once that had finished and she required palliative care, we visited the Hospice and the Trowbridge centre to address what could be done to prepare us and assist us for the end of her life. In her final weeks, we had daily visits at home from carers and support workers, who were absolutely fantastic. They spent considerable time with the family and showed wonderful empathy as well as significant practical assistance.

I first got a team together to participate in the walk, and the fundraising effort, in 2015. We have taken part every year since then in which the event has been held. Some of the standout memories have been about the weather, especially the continual and torrential rain a couple of years ago!

I enjoy the whole event. I like the organising and recruiting of the team, the camaraderie on the walk itself, with the opportunity for men to talk to each other about their experiences and concerns, and the fun we have watching the rugby and having a few drinks afterwards.

The team varies in number, but there are usually around 10-12 of us. It is a mixture of family, friends and former colleagues of mine. This year we will be joined by our youngest ever member, a 12 year old grandson. We have also organised other fundraising events over the years and Kerry’s Tulip Fund is now nearing £20,000.

Men's Walk to Support 2025 Dorothy House - Kerry's Heroes

To anyone thinking about taking part in the Men’s Walk, I would say do it! So many people have been, or will be, supported by Dorothy House as they, or someone they know or love, approaches the end of their life. The work of the hospice relies heavily on donations, as government funding is very limited, and so every penny raised can help make a real difference; I also ‘guarantee’ you will enjoy it!”

The Dorothy House Men’s Walk 2025

There are two start times for the walk, at 11am and midday from Dorothy House, Winsley. Participants will set off on the route that follows along the canal and finishes at Bath Pavilion, in time to watch two Six Nations matches. You can then celebrate your epic achievement with a well-earned free pint and food in the Pavilion!

Sign up now!

Entry is £28 and all participants get a free event t-shirt. Every single penny raised helps us to be there for other patients and their families who need us. So, sign up today and start your fundraising to show your support for Dorothy House Hospice Care. Sign up here.