Support for family, friends and carers
It can be extremely rewarding but we also recognise that it can be challenging helping a relative or friend go through difficult times, and it is important to ensure you have the right support too. All of the teams at Dorothy House are able to provide support to family, friends and carers of patients in our care.
Symptom control resources
Palliative care is total care of body, mind and spirit. The aim of this holistic approach is to achieve the best quality of life for patients and their families.
Control of pain, and of other physical symptoms and of psychosocial, social and spiritual problems, is paramount.
Our symptom control pages host a variety of downloadable resources which offer advice and guidance to support patients, families, carers and healthcare professionals.
BANES Carers' Centre
The Carers’ Centre is an independent charity that offers a range of support services to friends and family members who are looking after someone with care needs in Bath and North East Somerset.
They ensure people of all ages can access the support they deserve, including children and young people.
Below we have listed the activities and groups the Carers’ Centre offer for both adults and young carers. Groups with ‘plus one’ means that carers can bring along the person they care for.