Don't forget to feed George

Illustration of a fish in a fish bowl

Planning ahead

Advance care planning is a broad term for a series of conversations about the future. These conversations can lead to action points needing to be completed.

Download our Peace of mind Planner

The Peace of Mind Planner is designed to help you to record and easily access important life information. You have the ability to write down things like what spiritual or cultural beliefs you hold, where you keep your will, who will look after your children and/ or pets, who your gas supplier is etc. You can also list where all your important documents are stored and what your final wishes would be.

If you are unable to download the booklet or do not have access to a printer, please feel free to contact us on 01225-721480 or email We will be able to send you a physical copy by post.

Support for advance care planning

Future treatment and care

We want to support our patients and our health and social care colleagues in the community to have these sometimes difficult conversations. By having these discussions early you can make informed decisions about future treatment and care, express personal wishes and get your admin in order. You will be empowered to look after yourself and have a say right until you are no longer able to do so. This is immensely reassuring to those caring for you.

Resources for patients, families and professionals

In the information below we have included resources for patients, families and professionals. There are some videos, downloads and links to other sites that might be helpful. If you cannot find something in specific, please do contact us and we will do our best to find what you are looking for. Our Information Hub also hosts additional resources for patients, families and healthcare professionals.

Create a will online for free

We have collaborated with Farewill and the National Free Wills Network to offer our community the opportunity to make or update a will free of charge. You can make a will online, over the telephone or with a local solicitor through the National Free Wills Network. Create your free will today.

More end of life planning resources

ReSPECT form

When you are clear about what you want to happen in an emergency, you are ready have a conversation and to fill out the ReSPECT plan.

A ReSPECT plan is filled out by you and a healthcare worker together. The plan asks about what is important to you and the kinds of care and treatments you would want to have in an emergency. You can access and download our ReSPECT form here

Account closure service

Life Ledger is an end of life planning and account closure service. It is a simple tool to keep track of the accounts you have to help your loved ones navigate the administration after you have died. Life Ledger’s easy to use service means you can inform UK companies, such as banks and energy companies, linked to the deceased from a single point.

The Register a Life portal is only £1 a month – that is £12 a year! This contribution helps Life Ledger continue to offer free services to those in end of life care. Register your account.

Practical care toolkit

The following NHS resource outlines what you can do to practically care for someone who is in their last days and hours of life, including communication, pain, going to the toilet, washing, eating and symptom management. Download practical care toolkit.

End of life planning support for people with learning difficulties

The Victoria & Stuart Project created an end of life planning toolkit together with people with learning disabilities, families, learning disability support staff, and healthcare professionals. It includes resources and approaches to support staff with end of life care planning with people with learning disabilities. Access the toolkit.