Nature Trail Bat Tour


Join local bat enthusiast, Richard Mann, who will have available a bat detector to help us hear the local bats. He will also share fascinating facts about the bats and the special ones that call the area around Dorothy House home.

Tour details

The Nature Trail Bat Tour will follow our Interactive Nature Trail in which you’ll experience the glow of the stunning Firefly Woods light installation.

There is no requirement to book a place on the tour. We simply ask you to complete our registration form below if you would like to come along. On the night, please meet outside reception at 9:00pm…and enjoy this incredible experience!

Please bring a torch and wear sensible shoes. Visitors attend the Nature Trail Bat Tour at their own risk. Richard make take a photo of the group attending to publicise future events, please indicate if you would prefer not to be included in this group photo.

Bat Conservation Trust

Bats are unique mysterious creatures glimpsed at dusk darting through the night as they hunt for insects. Find out more here about the Bat Conservation Trust’s vision of a world rich in wildlife where bats and people thrive together.

You can also make a donation to Dorothy House Hospice Care here.