Firefly Celebration Evening

Reserve your ticket!

If you decide to join our Firefly community by dedicating a light on a Firefly, we’d love for you to come along to our Firefly Celebration Evening at the Hospice on Saturday 21 September. Please reserve your free ticket to secure your space.

From 6:30pm – 8:30pm, this event is an opportunity to come together and experience the Fireflies alongside others who have dedicated a light in memory of a loved one.

We are hosting another Firefly Celebration Evening on Thursday 19 September.


Polite notice: We are not issuing tickets for this event so there is no requirement to print anything. If you have reserved a ticket, your name will be on the guest list on the night. Any children attending this Firefly Celebration Evening must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Thank you.

We look forward to welcoming you at the event.

Firefly Appeal 2024

Find out more about our 2024 Firefly Appeal and how you can dedicate a light on a Firefly in memory of a loved one here.