Bath City Zipline

We are on the cusp of launching a brand new exciting event for Dorothy House in 2024, the Bath City Zipline!

Zipline through the heart of Bath

Bath City Zipline will be taking place on the 15, 16 and 17 November right in the heart of Bath – a fundraising event not to be missed!

Register your interest!

Register your interest using the form below to be one of the first to hear about the event when registrations go live…

    Please only click the 'register' button once. You will receive a thank you message shortly.


    Corporate sponsorship

    We are looking for local businesses to partner with to make this event a reality, so if you and your business would be interested in partnering with a fantastic local cause, please take a look at our Corporate Sponsorship packages and get in touch.

    Download our Corporate Sponsorship Pack here.