Black button which reads "donate here"

Donate now to protect our vital core services

We are facing huge adversity – rising costs, a National Insurance hike, as well as stagnant government funding which only covers 20% of our total costs. Over the past three years, running the Hospice has risen from £46,000 a day to £52,000 a day. Despite our best fundraising efforts and innovation, this has all combined to leave us with a critical funding shortfall.

We need your support now

We will campaign for change to ensure hospices are able to secure fair, long-term funding solutions. However, we have an immediate critical fundraising shortfall which the recent government announcement of a one-off cash injection will not completely address. We need your support now to help protect our vital core services.

Please donate today to ensure those facing death can continue to do so with the support of our community’s only adult hospice…

Last year, in the face of enormous funding adversity, we still managed to care for more patients and families than ever before. Thanks to the support of our amazing community, more than 3,000 patients and 1,000 loved ones received our care, completely free of charge. We do this because it is the right thing to do, but now we are asking for your help to ensure people can continue to receive the vital care they so desperately need.

How your donations will protect our vital core services

Could pay for 1 hour

of an Inpatient Unit Nurse’s time to provide essential care, symptom control and pain relief. Donate.

Could fund 2 hours

during the night – delivered in a patient’s home, by a compassionate, skilled and experienced Hospice at Home Carer. Providing care to patients, essential respite to families, enabling a patient to stay at home at the end of their life. Donate.

Could fund 3 hours

of community nursing time, helping patients manage pain, discomfort and emotional distress, directly in a patient’s home. Donate.

FAQs - Together in Adversity

What do you mean by core services?

We always aim to make our services as efficient as possible and our core priority is delivering services which are safe, and meet regulatory and commissioned requirements. We are committed to a holistic, personalised approach so cannot stress enough how much we value the care all of our varied teams offer. We are having to make difficult decisions about who can receive our care, at a time when we want everyone to have equal access to our specialist support. 

What has caused the current financial issues?

Rising costs, a national insurance hike and stagnant government funding which only covers 20% of our total costs are putting huge pressure on our financial sustainability. Over the past three years, the cost of running the Hospice has risen from £46,000 a day to £52,000 a day. The scale of the problem is national – 300 hospice beds are currently closed across the UK due to funding issues. There is also a huge regional disparity – we currently get 20% of our funding from the NHS, whereas the average in the South West is 24% and in London it is 47%.

How serious is your overall funding deficit?

We already had a planned budget deficit at the start of this year, which rising costs, a national insurance hike and stagnant government funding which only covers 20% of our total costs have added to. We are now also behind on income from our shops and fundraising efforts. The recent government announcement of a short-term cash injection over the next two years will not completely address these issues.

How much government funding do you get?

We currently receive 20% of our overall funding from the government, so for every £1 we receive we need to raise another £4. There is a huge amount of regional disparity across the UK – the average in the South West is 24%, but in London it is 47%. The recent government announcement of a short-term cash injection has not addressed these issues.

How do I make a donation?

Donate online: You can make a one-off payment or regular donation by clicking the ‘donate’ button on the top right hand corner of our website which you’ll find when clicking on any page.

By phone: Call the fundraising department on 01225 721480 and a member of the team will take your donation over the phone.

By cheque: Please make the cheque out to ‘Dorothy House Hospice Care’ and include details of the reason for your donation.  Then post to: Fundraising Department, Dorothy House, Winsley, Bradford on Avon, BA15 2LE.

By BACS: Account Number: 73821358, Sort Code: 40-14-13, Account Name: Dorothy House, Bank: HSBC Bank plc, Branch: Bristol Cabot Circus. If you choose this option, please call the fundraising department on 01225 721480 or email to share details of your donation.

What is the long-term funding solution?

Our care will always be a gift from our community to our community, but demand and costs are rising much higher than NHS or government funding for our work. We need a new funding settlement that removes regional inequalities in funding and ensures everyone has the care and support they need at the end of their lives.

We are actively negotiating with our commissioners to try to agree a new, fairer funding settlement. We are also lobbying MPs alongside our colleagues at Hospice UK to ensure hospice funding is at the top of the government agenda. We know that there is huge regional inequality, with hospices in the South West receiving half of the NHS funding of London, and this needs addressing alongside the stagnant funding models currently causing such financial issues for hospices up and down the country. While the recent announcement of a cash injection for hospices is good news for the sector, it will not completely address these issues.

Are you caring for everyone who needs you now?

We are only caring for around half of the people in our community estimated as having an end of life care need. We are committed to ensuring that everyone in our community has access to the personalised support they need, however are currently having to make difficult decisions about who can receive our care.

I’m currently being cared for by Dorothy House – is this going to affect my care?

We are acting now to protect our core, specialist services and ensure those facing death in our community continue to have the support of the only local adult hospice. We are having to make some difficult decisions about how our services can deliver the most impact, and will continue to engage our patients, families and broader community as these plans progress.

Will the Assisted Dying Bill change things for Dorothy House?

We remain neutral, campaigning neither for or against the bill and are committed to choice at the end of life.  For that to be a genuine choice we need everyone to be confident they, and their families, will be able to access the care and support they need at the end of their lives, regardless of whether the law changes.

Dorothy House patient

“Dorothy House is a gift and the people who work in it, a blessing. Quite simply, thank you. Dorothy House has given me the opportunity to live my death, calmly at peace and with serenity.”

Michael, Dorothy House patient

“From someone who is about to die, you want to die as nicely and with as much respect and dignity as possible.”

Andy, Dorothy House patient

“I am exceptionally grateful for everything Dorothy House did for my family. The care feels very human and very personal and I’m very grateful to everyone that helped our family through such a difficult time.”

Ways to get involved or donate

By helping us raise funds today, and standing together with us in the face of adversity, you can help protect vital core services now and into the future. Help us ensure those facing death in our community can continue to do so with the specialist support they deserve.

 We are appealing to anyone who may one day need our services, to:

Download and display our campaign poster

Please download and display the below poster in your window at home, in your car or at work to show you are standing together with Dorothy House.

How to make a donation to Dorothy House

Post a cheque

Please make the cheque out to ‘Dorothy House Hospice Care’ and include details of the reason for your donation.  Then post to: Fundraising Department, Dorothy House, Winsley, Bradford on Avon, BA15 2LE.

Debit or credit card donation by phone

Call the fundraising department on 01225 721480 and a member of the team will take your donation over the phone.

Donate on this page!

You can make a one-off payment or regular donation by clicking the ‘donate’ button on the top right hand corner of our website which you’ll find when clicking on any page.

Bank transfer (BACS)

Account Number: 73821358, Sort Code: 40-14-13, Account Name: Dorothy House, Bank: HSBC Bank plc, Branch: Bristol Cabot Circus

If you choose this option, please call the fundraising department on 01225 721480 or email to share details of your donation. Very little information will be included on our bank statement so we would not be able to confirm safe receipt or send you a thank you letter for your records.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, please remember to Gift Aid your donation – it won’t cost you a penny but it boosts your gift by 25%. If you are a UK resident and taxpayer, then by filling out a short form we can reclaim the tax you have already paid on any donations you give to us. Please click the ‘donate’ button below which will take you through to a page where you will find our gift aid form.