My London Marathon Motivation

  • 27 October, 2022
  • News

Hi, I’m Teresa, I’m 46, a mum of three teenagers, a wife, and a senior cancer nurse.

I started running about six years ago and have always dreamed of running the London Marathon but have never before been successful in the ballot.

When the fundraising team at Dorothy House got in touch at the start of August 2022 to say a place was available, I jumped at the chance!

Why run for Dorothy House?

Dorothy House has made such a difference to so many people I know, either personally or professionally.

My best friend’s brother passed away in the Winsley Inpatient Unit at Dorothy House in 2019.  Then in 2021 one of my closest friends died at home of leukaemia. Dorothy House’s Hospice at Home team were incredible at supporting me to look after him, especially in his last few days at home.

What was running the London Marathon like?

The run itself was something so amazing that I just can’t explain it. So much more than running. It was emotional and I sobbed when I finished. I wore the Team Dotty vest, and it took me until all the way to mile 15 to realise all the people shouting out “Go Dorothy” were talking to me!


What motivated you to keep on running?

I wore a photo collage on my back of people I know who have had cancer – not just in memory of them, but because of how inspirational they were, or still are to me.

One lady asked me about the collage and Dorothy House. She cried too when I told her about these incredible people, and this truly wonderful charity.

How hard was it to raise the funds?

Raising the target amount was so much easier than I expected. Everyone knows someone affected by cancer, someone they love who isn’t with us anymore, or someone they are so blessed to still have here.

“People know how much Dorothy House changes lives for patients and their families. I will be eternally grateful for the difference they made to my life.”

London Marathon Teresa Dorothy House