Family, Friends and Carers’ Course
By referral only*STARTING 29 APRIL
Facilitated, small group support with a palliative care theme each week. For the family, friends and carers of palliative or end of life patients.
Join other family, friends and carers of palliative patients in a safe environment where you can share stories, gain practical advice and find emotional support.
Each session is facilitated by Dorothy House staff and specialist professionals who bring knowledge and resources of caring for someone with a life-limiting or palliative condition.
Please book via calling 01225 965803 or emailing
More information
Week 1: Getting To Know You
Get to know your fellow attendees and share your experiences, if you wish. Gather information and support from about staff about support available for you.
Week 2: Understanding Illness and Treatments
Join a Palliative Care Nurse to discuss different illnesses, their symptoms and treatments.
Week 3: Practical Hints and Tips
This week is an opportunity to get some hints and tips from one of our Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Nutritionist or Speech and Language Therapist.
Week 4: Planning Ahead
We will explore what to get ready in planning for end of life, such as Wills, Power of Attorney and Advanced Care Planning. The second half of the session will focus on what you can expect to happen at the end of life.
Week 5: Resilience and Managing Stress
We will look at coping strategies, recognising carer fatigue and provide advice for managing stress. There will also be a chance to try out some of our creative therapy.
Week 6: Q&A
Any questions you have about palliative and end of life care that haven’t already been answered can be addressed here. We will collect your questions in week 5.